Pubg support
Pubg support

pubg support
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But the same has been said about Overwatch on 21:9. People could log into Pubg and play it the entire time on 21:9 and probably never really notice or care. TERA is far from the only unreal engine game that properly supports 21:9 by default. It is Unreal, Unreal is easily capable of doing 21:9 automatically. They could go ahead and impliment true HFoV+ support in their game.

Pubg support how to#

This is no longer a case of "we dont know how to do this" but rather a case of "We are intentionally not implimenting proper 21:9 support." Which means as it is right now, the game is intentionally restricted. So this for them shows that BlueHole is a studio that is fully capable and aware of how to work with and impliment and develop 21:9 support. TERA unlike pubg, has fantastic HFoV+ unrestricted 21:9 support. PUBG is built on Unreal Engine, as was BlueHole's previous title TERA. Where the real issue comes from is the Company behind the game, and their previous title and engine Experience. Unlike Destiny 2, Quake Champions, Dota2, and CSGO, which use true HFoV+ functions, Pubg is still restricting vertical height in a fashion that emphisizes that 21:9 displays are still not a fully acceptable technology to be used within their game.īut this is not where the big issue with PUB and it's 21:9 support comes form. This isn't as bad as some other games, but this is still a restriction none the less. In 3rd person mode the game does slice off part of the top and bottom of the screen to give you an extra slice of view on the sides. The game still does restrict 21:9 from proper HFoV+ function. It has supplied better 21:9 support than Overwatch has done.īut that is where the praise for their 21:9 support efforts ends. The game's 21:9 support in first person mode does work as it should. No it is not as bad as Overwatch which completely and unfairly restricted 21:9 support in game. It still does not have proper 21:9 support in game. UWG Nick, a 21:9 Youtube channel with gameplay videosĪ lot of people are playing PUBG, and while its all nice and fine and dandy to have a new popular kid on the block, there is something that everyone here should remember about the game. "Wide as Fcuk", Youtube channel for 21:9 info and game reviews Rule 5: No Box Pictures Related sub-reddits: Rule 4: No referral links, URL shorteners, or selling used monitors. Follow reddiquette it's a good set of basic guidelines for a more cohesive community. Rule 3: Use original sources for links, credit the OP/OC. No racism, sexism, personal insults, harassment, etc. Rule 1: All posts need to be vaguely connected to 21:9. Masakari has written a post about this.Subreddit of the 21:9 & 32:9 aspect ratio Join us on Discord! / Ultrawide Enthusiasts

pubg support

These mice generally have excellent ergonomics, are reliable, and have minimal latency despite the wireless connection.

Pubg support pro#

Hundreds of pro gamers currently rely on the Logitech G Pro Wireless or its successor, the Logitech G Pro X Superlight. What Is the Best Device for Aiming in PUBG? This controller is among the top in the market in terms of stability, durability, ergonomics, and battery life. The Sony DualSense Wireless Controller of the Playstation 5 is a safe choice for a PC-compatible controller. The use of a controller is less precise and fast, for example, when flickshots and quick changes of direction need to be performed. In general, PUBG’s technical mechanisms are specialized for the use of a mouse and keyboard. PUBG is primarily specialized for the use of a mouse and keyboard. Does PUBG Have Aim Assist for Controllers?Īlthough PUBG generally supports controllers, there are no functional in-game control aids, such as Aim Assist, to support the use of a controller on the PC. Functionally, playing PUBG with a controller from the manufacturer Riot is not provided. The button assignment of the controller can be freely selected.

Pubg support windows#

Technically, PUBG supports all controllers compatible with Windows 10. Does PUBG Support Play With a Controller? The game does not offer any functional aids (Aim Assist) to compensate for the disadvantages of controlling with a controller compared to other control options. Generally, PUBG can also be played with a supported controller on the PC, for example, a controller from PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 or Xbox. Can You Play PUBG With a Controller on a PC? Check your system against our recommended standards for casual and ambitious gamers.

Pubg support free#

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    Pubg support